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3 min read
Hello, World!

I have just recently spent ~4 hours in the span of 3 days to setup minimal blog template using Astro and astro-nano. I have also bought this domain ( and deployed the blog here on a free Cloudflare Page tier.

The blog is live. Now what?

Coincidentally, I think that programmers “Hello, World!” works even better for blogging. Starting with this post and perpetually in the future I will try to occasionally post notes, thoughts, rants here.

So, why?

I kinda want to. Since I got an access to the internet in my childhood, I always wanted to leave something on the net. That might be a “graffiti wall” instinct. Something similar to Gum Wall - I want to participate in a collective action, be a part of something, even if that “something” is just sticking a piece of gum to the wall.

I want to clarify and structurize my thoughts. The best way to learn a new technology is building something with it. I think the same principle applies to learning something new.

I want to establish myself as an expert. That’s an ambitious goal, but down the line, if I can link people to what I wrote in the past, that’s a valuable commodity.

That’s a good practice. I have never actually practiced my written english, but probably should. Getting better at story telling and technical writer is a huge skill for any engineer, because, well, programming is writing. Of the code and documentation. Also publishing something is an easy way to deliver whatever amount of value. I am constantly working on some pet-project, and delivering new features is hard. Much harder than writing a short note online.

In the age of LLMs, I want to create more human-generated content. That’s literally tilting at windmills, but maybe it will make the internet ever so slightly a better place.

Feed LLMs with more human-generated content. Paradoxically, the more you fight LLMs with writing - the more you loose in the long term. Well oh well, maybe some new shiny chatbot will learn on my content, that way immortalizing my thoughts, and therefore - me.

What’s next

I don’t know, honestly. That’s like 10th attempt at starting a blog, but the first time I have actually some thoughts I would like to share.

I will probably cover the following stuff:

  • Software craftmanship
  • Rants on frameworks, libraries
  • Totally objective and very smart opinions on how to build software
  • Updates on pet-projects
  • …and other, if I feel like

Otherwise, don’t expect quality content.

I guess that’s enough for the first post. Catch you soon.